How to change your cover image on an Instagram video.
Are selfie videos part of your Instagram marketing content? If they are and you are sick of looking horrendous when your cover image appears in your profile and the feed…read on.
This is actually a really easy fix.
Step one: Make your video. Try to not pull too many faces or try to add in a two second smile right at the start that you can go back and grab later.
Step two: Upload as usual to Instagram.
Step three: Tap ‘next’. At the bottom of the video you will see the words ‘Filter, Trim and Cover’.
Step four: Let’s start with TRIM - that allows you to trim the start or the end of your video in case you have a wonky bit, such as when you hit record or stop. If I’m being honest, you really should be trimming that before you load it up but I realise that some content is done on the fly.
Step five: Now move to COVER - this is where you tap to get a strip of frames from your video that you can choose to be the one that is saved as your thumbnail or your cover image - important as it is the image people see when they go to your profile. If you’ve got that two second smile at the start or the end, you should be able to choose that frame.
It’s hard to get a decent shot of this guy.
But wait there’s more…
No actually it’s really that simple. Say goodbye to ugly cover images on your Instagram videos with just one quick edit.
For more tips and tricks, follow me on Instagram and Facebook and get in touch if you’d like to have some one on one or group training, to book me as a speaker for your next event or anything else you want to chat about.