Blog posts

Spark conversation and connection - a guide to conversational marketing

If you’re scouring social media and the internet for trends or ways to get ahead with your marketing in 2024, you may have come across phrases like ‘authentic marketing’ and ‘starting conversations’ or conversation over conversion’. One of the ways to achieve this is through ‘conversational marketing’, something you may already be doing. To be more intentional

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Top ten things small biz should consider in choosing marketing channels

Feel like you’re on a marketing content treadmill and going nowhere? Maybe you are using the wrong marketing channels or simply have too many. Here are my top ten tips for choosing and using the right ones.

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Overcoming confidence challenges and imposter syndrome in marketing and social media: a guide for women over 40

That’s an incredibly specific blog title right?! But this is a specific problem, and it’s one that comes up time and time again in my training and mentoring. If it sounds like you or someone you know, please read on and share.

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Positive ways to talk about customer pain-points in marketing and social media messaging

Do you know how your products or services solve your customers’ needs, but find it hard to describe the problems you solve without sounding negative? You’ll love this simple process and easy to understand examples. Get your marketing and social media messaging on track with these actionable tips.

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Is Facebook really dead?

I get asked a lot if Facebook is dead or if it’s worth using anymore. Of course I look at each situation differently, but on the whole my answer is “no Facebook is not dead, you’ve just put it in a coma”. So if that’s you, what can you do to unlock the power of Facebook and breathe life back into your page? Here are ten easy steps.

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Why your social media won’t work for you, without you: 3 reasons why business owners should collaborate more with their social media managers

Feeling overwhelmed with your social media and marketing and want to hand over the reins to a social media manager or staff member? A great idea BUT you do need to understand that, as a small business owner, you can’t just hand over the reins and walk away. Here are three great reasons why you need to collaborate and work with your social media manager to get the best bang for your buck.

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Five ways to grow community around your business or brand

You’re not alone if you’re feeling frustrated by a decline in sales through social media. It might be time for a change in approach and messaging. It might be time to use these channels for the purpose they are designed - to build connection and community. Here are some thoughts on that.

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How to create popular social media content

Sometimes I’ll be watching cute animal reels with my son and I’ll discover that the lizard we are watching has hundreds of thousands of followers, or the meme account I go to for a laugh has topped a million and I think “why is it so easy for some and not others?”

The short answer is ‘interest’. Those accounts are putting up content that’s relevant and interesting or entertaining to the masses. Add to that - consistency - those accounts are consistently providing content that’s relevant and interesting or entertaining to the masses. Dig deeper and you will find something else - an IT factor or some damn good timing…I’m talking about virality.

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Erika McInerney Erika McInerney

Want a marketing advantage over your competitors?

Who doesn't want some kind of competitive advantage or way to stand out from the crowd when it comes to your products or services?! But how can you stand out from the crowd and create loyal customers and brand advocates? Here are a few ideas.

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Small business marketing and social media during a pandemic

When a small business is in crisis, often the first thing to get dropped is marketing. But keeping up with regular communication, even if it’s at a reduced rate, is important to pull you back out of those times. Here are some tips on how you can prepare your business to keep going when you’re distracted or busy.

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How to really support local and small this Christmas.

Every year I set myself a challenge to try and do most of my Christmas shopping as locally as possible. It can be time consuming and a fair bit harder than running around a shopping centre for a few hours, but it’s far far more rewarding. In this article I give you heaps of tips on how to save money, time and stress and still support local and small businesses through the silly season - for gifts, food, wine and more.

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