Top ten things small biz should consider in choosing marketing channels

Running a small business involves a lot of juggling and stacks of hats. One of those hats is marketing and the sheer number of marketing and social media channels available adds running on a content creation treadmill to the mix 😣

While the opportunity to connect with your audience is big and exciting, spreading yourself too thin across numerous channels can lead to inefficiency and diluted efforts, especially if you’re just cross-posting and hoping for the best.

Here’s my top ten things to consider when choosing your channels, helping you make strategic decisions and choose the right marketing opportunities without overwhelming yourself:

1. Know your target audience

I can’t not repeat myself here because this one is just too damn important. Understanding the demographics, preferences, and behaviours of your (not someone else’s) specific audience is key. Identify where your potential customers are most active. If your business caters to a younger crowd, platforms like Instagram or TikTok might be more effective than traditional advertising methods. If you have a super-niche product or service, then Facebook groups or Pinterest may be your best bet.

2. Set clear marketing goals

Define your marketing objectives with clarity and purpose. Whether you aim to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or foster customer loyalty, having distinct goals will guide your choice of marketing channels and determine the calls-to-action you are using. Different platforms excel in achieving specific objectives, so align your goals with the strengths of each.

3. Assess your resources

Small businesses often operate with limited resources. Evaluate your available time, budget, and team capabilities realistically. Consider what resources you can allocate to each channel without compromising the quality of your efforts. This step ensures you maximise your return on investment.

4. Conduct a channel audit

Review your current marketing channels. Identify which ones are delivering tangible results for your business. If a particular channel isn't performing as expected, consider reallocating resources to more effective platforms. This ongoing evaluation is crucial for optimising your marketing strategy. At this point you can consider winding down channels that aren’t serving you or simply repurposing them as placeholders.

5. Understand channel strengths

Recognise the unique strengths of each marketing channel. Social media platforms are excellent for building brand personality, email marketing facilitates direct communication, and content marketing establishes authority. Choose channels that align with your business's strengths and overarching objectives. Don't be afraid to whittle your marketing efforts right down to whatever is most relevant and effective. 

6. Analyse competitor strategies

Research your competitors and analyse their marketing strategies. Identify which channels they are leveraging successfully and whether there are any untapped opportunities. This analysis can offer valuable insights into the preferences of your shared target audience. Don’t copy them! They are at a different place in their business journey despite sharing a target audience. Use this information to play to your strengths.

7. Start small and scale

Resist the temptation to be everywhere at once. Begin with a few key platforms that align with your audience and objectives. Once you've established a solid presence and gained mastery in those channels, consider expanding your efforts to additional platforms strategically.

8. Monitor analytics and metrics

Regularly track and analyse the performance of your marketing efforts. Don’tgo crazy with spreadsheets, just keep an eye on things. Use analytics tools to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) like engagement, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI). This data will guide your decision-making process and enable you to refine your strategy over time.

9. Seek feedback from your audience

Engage with your customers directly and ask for feedback on their preferred channels. Conduct surveys or polls on social media to understand where your audience spends the most time and how they prefer to interact with businesses. This direct input is invaluable in shaping your marketing strategy.

10. Be adaptable and experiment

Marketing trends evolve, and consumer behaviour changes. Stay adaptable and be open to experimenting with new channels and strategies. Regularly reassess your marketing mix to ensure it aligns with the ever-changing landscape of your industry and the preferences of your audience. Don't be afraid to change channels or direction.

Remember, successful marketing for a small business is about being where it matters most. By making strategic decisions based on your audience, goals, and available resources, you can create a focused and effective marketing strategy that drives results without spreading yourself too thin. 

Hope that helps! Get in touch if you have any feedback or questions 💛 Erika

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❤️ Hi I’m Erika ✌️ I’m a marketing specialist with a BA in Media and Comms, Masters of Marketing, Certificate in CX (Customer Experience) and over 25 years marketing experience. I’m well placed to help you navigate the sometimes overwhelming world of marketing and social media. I work with you one-on-one or create fun and action-oriented workshops and webinars for groups, organisations and businesses. Book a free discovery call with me or simply email me to get the conversation started.

For more tips, connect with me on Facebook and Instagram or just get in touch, I'm always happy to help


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