Blog posts
Spark conversation and connection - a guide to conversational marketing in 2024
If you’re scouring social media and the internet for trends or ways to get ahead with your marketing in 2024, you may have come across phrases like ‘authentic marketing’ and ‘starting conversations’ or conversation over conversion’. One of the ways to achieve this is through ‘conversational marketing’, something you may already be doing. To be more intentional
Why SMART goals are a secret weapon for small business marketing
SMART goals aren’t a secret - far from it, but if you set them up properly and stick to them, they could be your secret weapon in this ever-changing marketing and social media landscape. Let me tell you how and why.
Top ten things small biz should consider in choosing marketing channels
Feel like you’re on a marketing content treadmill and going nowhere? Maybe you are using the wrong marketing channels or simply have too many. Here are my top ten tips for choosing and using the right ones.
Positive ways to talk about customer pain-points in marketing and social media messaging
Do you know how your products or services solve your customers’ needs, but find it hard to describe the problems you solve without sounding negative? You’ll love this simple process and easy to understand examples. Get your marketing and social media messaging on track with these actionable tips.
Is Facebook really dead?
I get asked a lot if Facebook is dead or if it’s worth using anymore. Of course I look at each situation differently, but on the whole my answer is “no Facebook is not dead, you’ve just put it in a coma”. So if that’s you, what can you do to unlock the power of Facebook and breathe life back into your page? Here are ten easy steps.
Why your social media won’t work for you, without you: 3 reasons why business owners should collaborate more with their social media managers
Feeling overwhelmed with your social media and marketing and want to hand over the reins to a social media manager or staff member? A great idea BUT you do need to understand that, as a small business owner, you can’t just hand over the reins and walk away. Here are three great reasons why you need to collaborate and work with your social media manager to get the best bang for your buck.
3 ways to sell on social media without being too ‘salesy’
When the prospect of selling to your customers has you feeling a bit uncomfortable, try these three easy-to-action-tips and take the ‘ick factor’ out of selling.
Finding 'your special'.
Have you ever thought about what makes you special? What your product or services do that are not only great but are really special? I believe that knowing what that is can be the key to unlocking your perfect marketing messaging.
Five more lessons for Australian businesses from the 2016 Sensis Social Media Report
There is an overload of information available about social media usage - stats, data, anecdotes. Most of it is from the US and, while interesting, it’s not always applicable to Australian businesses. So with that in mind, here are five more insights from the Australian Sensis Social Media Report that you can apply to your business today:
What does ‘reach’ mean on social media?
I hear people talking about their social media reach a lot and I wonder if they really understand what it means. So what exactly is reach? And should you, as a business, be worrying about it?
Your business strategy is your social media strategy
Once you have built a following for your business on Facebook or Instagram, you need to start getting those people off social media.
Yep, you read that correctly. Let me explain.
Stop! Don’t open a personal page for your business
There’s a terrible misconception out there that Facebook ignores businesses that don’t advertise. Many people think the best way to avoid that is to shut down their business page and instead promote their business on a personal profile. Here's ten reasons why that's a bad idea...
Should my business be on Facebook?
Over the past few weeks, I’ve provided social media training throughout Gippsland, and I’ve been asked this a lot. It's a valid question - but read this post before you try to answer it.